Sunday 1 September 2013

Alien Astrolabe kit

If you read  my blog posts last year  you may recall  I  was  intending to run  a day session   during adult learners  week  on online dating  so to research  i joined  a couple of  free  dating sites   so  my Nerd Nerdish  Nerdy  photo  never pulled apart from scammers   and one  message   from a  school secretary type  middle aged  woman  writing to tell me  having read my  profile " poet, won two national awards in  course of my teaching career   and  built my own astrolabe,         - that  I was  too clever for her "







Here is another astrolabe  guaranteed   to pull the women



 Not only  have I build my own astrolabe I  have even built my own alien astrolabe!  




  Based on  calculations of proper motion and  mapping a distant night sky      it functions  as an astrolabe  would for a  binary  star  system with  G and K class stars  and  a  HZ  planet   orbiting at  405 days at 27 o tilt

note  the  first front plate is  of the  alien constellations based on  part of the year  the sky is in  binary twilight or white night  it is partly in shadow    with the  recognisable  constellations   Stormhorse  Archer, Rider  Harper , Arrow path , Water Slayer  , Blind Watcher ,  Bright Dancer,  Bird Catcher ,Pale Flower 

the back plate is three to five  interlocking discs   and is used for navigation   note the  small star field revolving   disk  the  heart of  the sky which functions as  a celestial clock  in a similar way  to our own nocturnal or  big dipper clock

the  moon like disk at the top is  the  representation  against the star field clock  of   the  journey of   Binary star B in its 80 year  orbit


 Judging by  turnoff  to women  of  my  astronomical astrolabe kit  the  alien astrolabe   design  should work well   with the  chat up line  on speed  dating "where  do you come from?"  in reply  I  point up to the night sky in the general direction of  Orion     and hiss  an unearthly  "there!"



 Recently the feedback from an interview  re volunteer  to help   with  website  design  was  "you talk too fast   on many subjects  at once  and assume  everyone are as  clever as you!!!"

  This  organisation  CWCA  asked for volunteers  with some experience in Dreamweaver and I did used to teach the subject !!  -rejected again


My former employer  who keep going in 2012  on some of the funding  I had gained for them before making me redundant  has finally  given up on  Adult Education Community Learning

 which  I   developed   for them in various forms from  1999 -2012


for this past year 2012-13 My former employer    tried  to  carry on with  easy to supervise   ukonline   log on  online learning   and  keeping  my centres  former  admin assistant   on  as staff

the   last website  I designed for them is a sorry  sight now

 the site  is  missing all my centre  videos   most of my  accessibility  code add ons  and alternative  versions  and  ironically still bearing  my  awarded  badges of   A prompt AAA  full accessibility on the site   when it is in fact AA  or A


feedback on poetry   full of praise  re epic  and  excellent   but also  a  belief  that my poetry is full of  references  


 ie  for bookshop in writewood   reviews  reproduced  here complete with typos

"Instinct tells me this poem is GOOD. But my ignorence forbids a review, I will look a few things up (Google it) and do a review tomorrow."

or  "A stunning work of intellectually supreme poem that had me googling, and then coming back to contemplate the abstracts.



or Robinhood  a  companion piece  to   A Pirates life and Dauntless  Dick Dark Dee  Dee

reviews of

" I was thinking 'Sherwoodesque' myself,   I definitely don't recall a lot of this from the movie version I watched! There's a bit of a scattergun approach here, it feels quite zany and whimsical, with a lot of unexpected lines and references to catch the eye."


"I think he's sort of mingling this with other things and bring it all together in one big chaotic piece. I myself kept wondering how many references there were total."


actually  re Robinhood  it has many aspects of  the Sherwood stuff but  as a story  I MADE IT UP

re   below lines 15-20  Robinhood  by  Mark Littler  June  2013    the  princess  locked in the convent 

please don't  google  the story thinking it is a   reference   I made it up  !!!


" Sir Green  robbing Romance

 Drugged out of a white  sleep   locked drawn  in an overseas  cloister

-as the tale is told -  some  Nun from some obit ended  Royal house

gives her ring to someone


He has  that  Ring  and the Finger

sheeps tail  upon it"


I must add a rejoiner  re the  comic  book  inspired  "Atom Spider  versus   Radio  Killer  Space Mystery" August 2013

 the  characters  Atom Spider ,  Ice Olympia,  Jack Clock Carter   and Professor   Noble Fields   are  my creations as  symbolic  comic book  archetypes   not    superheroes  published at the time



 "Zennor Wedding"  Mermaid  Sequel 

  been scribbling away at it for a  week  at   185 lines  but far from complete

where as  everything else  written over three days or less usually   friday -Sunday

 I also wrote in the same weekend   in one   minute  bursts two  brief   8 line   love conceit framers  part of my  "rediscovered  first and  second  world war love letter" series


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