Tuesday 6 August 2013

Astrolabe alien views A photo page

Astrolabe alien views  A photo page



So still redundant   after a year  and  find  that  despite having  college level   further education teaching qualifications -  It was all a  lot of paper  and all a lot of study to get me  here - for what!


 I am   not really interview  wise  coming across as  right candidate  having taught    disabled Adults  not  emotionalist  behaviourist  Teenagers   which is the new funding fashion  and I  am   too   Short and too   Rick! ( see  my Moranis persona pre august   post)


After all at  interview  I  did not even mention my  second published  e book  of Poetry    and have  new poems for third book  nor  mentioned   my Alien Astronomy hobby  


 Star  dreaming  i suppose it is an excuse to leave Earth  that  has so little  to offer  me now


 After all as  one of my  readers commented  re  pirates life  my poetry   and indeed  everything  since redundancy  from a once beloved  job I admit I had  2/10  job satisfaction in at the end "a metaphor for escapism, and a desire to leave behind the landlubbers because of a negative experience.


 The Hawaiian star  compass was easy to do as  i used  the main north  constellations ie Pleiades and the main west summer constellations ie Vega    and  now working on alien astrolabe remapping  constellations


This post   is more  of a photopage  blog   using   astrofly  proper motion  calculator    and  hipparcos  catalogue


see images  of what  I  call   the  Stormhorse  constellation of Alpha Centauri  that stretches from  Eridanus  to Canis Major   through Aurigae  and on to Gemini, Taurus and ending in  Cetus   surrounding  the Archer  (Orion)  and our  Sun as seen  in  the  Harper  constellation(Cassiopeia)

I  did not draw lines  as  the  alien constellations shapes can be made out for example Harper   is  traditional   two of  the old 48   Perseus and  Cassiopeia  but  joined to make  up  a  biped  harpist  linked  by  the  bright  star which  is our sun 


 The  primeval  Stormhorses are  the  archetype   mythological   Therian monster 

 the Archer  and Harper  Creation  hero figures



Other starry nights  other  escapisms

 sort of under the Moons  of Mars  without any  my wife next star issues


here  for example are a  few  astrofly views of alien skies in Orion  as seen  Tau Cygni,  Electra   70  Ophiuchi    with changing if familiar star patterns  and  to  there anyone watching   different star  myths   or then again  perhaps   only night worms  and  night  fungi  look up from there

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