Thursday 1 August 2013

Redundant and another failed job interview

This week is  the first anniversary  of my last teaching  of a  Adult Education Class  and   I find myself  looking  back on it  like it was  Gettysburg.


Redundancy   ended all that   I had an interview  yesterday   for  learning and progression mentor  for a local college ( where I actually studied for my teaching  qualification) for    a job which  i did   for many years   and  won a national award   in the area


Once again rejected  told it was a strong field   and many  competitive candidates  on the day     not really one for college staff cliques  

I think  I come across  as  too much  like Rick Moranis from Ghostbusters


I used to   never consider the future except  in  a  sci fi   world  of  flying   glass pyramids   but now  at 48  think of the future as unemployment,   poverty and illness. 



Once  I looked forward  to hope and  a  stable  everyday  job now it is all   penny saving  and  tinned food  as I honestly expect  to   have to  stay at home with my  books and  my  teaching awards to end up  dying like the Collyer brothers


Incidentally  mention  of  wealthy  former professionals  turned recluses surrounded by books and clutter  re  the Collyers  does sound increasingly  like my life.


When I was  nearby her home  for an interview  I called on  my nonagenarian  Aunt who  in course of conversation asked " who I  was  leaving my  money to   and had  I left a will"  saying  "you don't want to leave your money to  ............  naming my other cousins   and eventually  turned the talk of wills and inheritance to   her  own  grandson - "yes  I suppose I  eventually my  money  will  go to   him"  I remember saying

how odd  for a 94  year old to be so concerned about my health and my  will !!


I  did mention making a will  in favour of my  friend but  she told me  " do not  leave your books  to  me!!  they will go in a dumpster !   (what all 7000 +  of them ) just  leave me your   money! "

so nice people are  concerned for my  health   and who  inherits  after I am gone 

Am  I gone yet?


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