Wednesday 18 March 2015

A World of Tyrants remembered 2070-1970

As I mentioned in previous blogs  the 2070 s  will see the end of the Nation state    a turning away from city living   to a new femto technology created  countryside  and the first attempts to build  a  universal world state  based around a scattered  world population of less than 90 million


the 1970s by contrast  were my earliest memories  and  a rather distant awareness of  everywhere tyrants and dictators who did not trouble me  at the age of 4


Tyrants in those days were judged as rulers of regimes not favourable to  western visitors  or TV reception  this  of course in a world divided between American and soviet one way weapons systems to be  that  of  the anonymous   red  mass of   communist bloc Warsaw pact red communist menace    with walls  and parallels    so much that  at the  time i believed the great wall of china to be the same era  and purpose  as the Berlin wall  but covering the whole Chinese border-  it doesn't- just the way the map was coloured in


the anonymous  big  red mass dictators was  made of  the ex  kingdoms  ending in "ia" were called soviet satellites  which  made them sound like sputnik 2, pupniks   and the dictators  turned out to be called  anonymous  generic Erick Todnov chairman and general secretary of the  central committee for state planning 

 it has  been  calculated  i believe  today that  more death threats are uttered  each  day on Twitter  than in the entire  puptnik era   of dictatorship


what I noticed about the red mass was the  number of   boiler plate victory monuments often erected in countries i knew were on the losing side in the second world war and that you could built for example a kalingrad  palace of the soviets in a quarter  of the building blocks it took to make a model of konigsberg castle

but to me the most   terrifying thing of a tyrant were the children of my own age   white shirted young pioneers with little red scarves   loving the outdoor exercise , singing marching songs in praise of generic Erick Todnov and behaving  just like the worst sneaks and tell the teachers

only North Korea has their little sneaks left and ironically they will be the vanguard of  the future unification movement

as North Korea is not a dictatorship but a group identity



There were also   emperors in this four year olds world not the "kaisers and tsars" of his grandmothers youth  but  more along the lines of "I am emperor and I want dumplings " autocrats

both had near identical walking  toy lions  waving  one paw  as  heraldic arms

such as  the  crown coiffured shah of Persia  celebrating 2500 years of Iranian monarchy   with  a costume parade ,a square  headed dynast  who was as I later discovered  was the  grandson of the second standby driver on a goat manure delivery cart

 or the emperor of Ethiopia   I had  only just learnt (from flags and emblems of the world) about  the lion of Judah  dynasty tracing its origins back to king  Solomon  emperor  too small  for his throne   when said lion was deposed

the  first event happening  in Africa I can remember


with the end of  world dictatorship re red  mass or  US supported  south American juntas only North Korea  we can safely in the west call a tyranny  and  draw attention  to its failure to admit western visitors or use the internet  after all this time

founded in the aftermath of the second world war    and based as with all dictatorships   on  the publics belief in the  authority of the leaders personality   for many years classed as part of the red mass sort of an eastern hoxha's Albania in isolation   boredom will be its revolution


in history tyrants rarely meet their ends from a n Harmodius or Princep  standing at the street corner

 and as   autocrats they are  more likely to meet their deaths in similar circumstances as   well protected  tyrants such as   Darius III  or the Roman emperor  Macrinus in the ancient world   and  further examples all the way to Ceausescu

from  four hour standing ovation and golden throne   to escaping  in the back of a  broken down bottari truck and  finally being  beaten to death  with a tyre iron by their own  bodyguards


  for every autocrat with  the cognomen "cruel" or "terrible"    there are others known by the nickname "flute player" or "bell ringer"

more sauce bottle than Sauron

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