Friday 27 March 2015

Aura Rhanes Space blonde reticulated by shapes of Gray

you may still see in second hand shops  encyclopaedias of unsolved mysteries  with chapters  called "what killed the  dinosaurs?" the only survivor of the Marie Celeste speaks out" "Anastasia the lost grand duchess"  and a little section on UFOs  illustrated with blurred  saucers  overshooting must be faked bolted discs and  "can you believe  it" references to /Arnold and /Adamki


When you could find cheap paperbacks with titles like flying saucers are hostile,"  "the UFO phenomenon"   and "in search of the extraterrestrials "   written in the 1970s  which I read in the 1990s  with  accounts of daylight  contacts with  humans  such a the very similar Socorro, Newark valley and Valensole  alien visitors  all modelled around the landing diorama of a shiny round object  in a field  and two crew members   or what  seemed to me  at the time  the story of the luckiest Brazilian on earth  and his  extra sexual encounter with the girl  from  Beta Hydri- since however    claimed to be an early CIA sponsored  black ops L.S.D trip  involving a herd of goats

an encounter like many of that era   with  blonde space pilots  wearing little more than goggles and flying helmet named  Aura Rhanes or Semjeja   who choose one ordinary Joe  to be  instructed  in a mission   , picked him up time and time again   then cooled off  "and when I saw Aura Rhanes in a street later she ignored me!!"


 These UFO books were much more fun  to read than the present day  Gray literature  based as it is of government cover-ups of the  Zeta Reticuli  Grays "Bugsie, Hoppity and Blik" probing paedo probing  over generations  in exchange  for developing  stealth  aircraft

and  where now  most repetition  of  the saucers is either the  cover-up  of the Roswell balloon hoax or the  1980  Rendelsham forest  lighthouse sighting  which it should be noticed took place at Christmas time  and  the effort the USAF  made to cover up this  proved  by   a newly  declassified Dec  31st 1980 report  "11.59pm    persistent bright lights in the sky   for period of 20 minutes over surrounding area


and instead of multiple contactee books  we had  Nick Pope in the UK   who had made a career on  what  may only  be    as  is  alleged YTS  work experience   at the ministry of defence  unidentified  aerial phenomena  desk for a few months in the 1990s  and who passed himself as "keeper of secrets " which did not really make up for the repetive   lack of evidence in any of his books and interviews


alas Nick Pope is no longer even "the  keeper of secrets"  as the   UK ministry of defence UAP /UFO files have now been declassified   in the National archives and online and  even appear as part of a teatime TV programme   about 1000 years of state secrets presented by a former Secretary of State for Defence !

where you look for "Mr Janus  alien in the  British establishment " the files  are  mainly  red balloon chasing, and passing traffic of bored letters  to school children  who had seen Venus  and  drew  neatly labelled pictures of colourful spaceships  in support of this

 cover-ups that were cover-ups in the Thatcher years  soon date  like  the idea that  the USA is run by  Gray probers who  created stealth technology  in 1949  but who had to manage  a cover-up to convince a   1950 contactee that they had driven by a   grounded flying saucer parked by the road side  and  "remember being  asked  to stop  by the alien crew to  help them fix it "

this is  only one  way to  a F117


and not half the fun of  contacting "humans just like us but much  hotter " in a chrome cruiser from Clarion and being  informed during the   our superior technology tour  for   weak earthlings  that they came from  "what you know as the planet Mars, the other side of  Mercury" or  that stand by of celestial navigation  "an invisible galaxy near Neptune "



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