read ben kane the road to rome book three of the forgotten legion chronicle well this road leads no where feeble,lacking in a end story i had a feeling this was rushed before kane moved onto a new trilogy his hannibal series the first chapter of which shares this book
like tarquinus the haruspex i had the feeling i coud see what was coming next as the third book searched for a way out in a rome where kanes portrait of caesar never got beyond "the infamy infamy they all have it in for me" stage- only carry on cleo did it better lot of repetition and poor plotting so by the end i did not care what happened to the main characters as not to give too much away our hero decided to go east again but this story went west long before!!
a trilogy that started well with the forgotten legion but never really took off not enough story for two book let alone three
The New Secret Language of Symbols: An Illustrated Key to Unlocking Their Deep and Hidden Meanings by david fontana
a website of a book with brief text and varied illustrations ranging from meaning of trees,fruits and gardens, alchemy to rocks and metals, dragons to buddhism a useful resource
Shadows in the Steam: The Haunted Railways of Britain by david brandon ghosts on britiah lines are as expected often late, dirty and overcrowded and the sightings are either single or returning
a mixed bag of which only some railway connected aside form station spirits still dong their jobs years later a small bok filled with chapters ghosts in railway fiction and on TV and nearby ghosts from other books that had a railway station nearby
Up from Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution by ken wilber i had read this as an undergrad this is a new edition but seemed dated now only of interest to someone who still believes in the great chain of being theory full of quotes from ancient sources such as plotinus, gebser and casirer
any book that relies on its comments mythology from joseph campbell must be good for a laugh