Monday 29 October 2012

time travellers blistered by monkey arrows

still working on alien astrolabe  occassional dream about  reading future  scientific manuals and  had vivid dream of main  historical  events  in 2060  some sort of siege ends a war  society   para physical  and  nanorganic
 once dreamt i read that tau ceti has no planetary system(this has now been proved)  and that tau cygni was the closest star system with advanced intelligent life on the wanting to meet an alien scale  
 82 orionis nearest for lifeforms
only ever believed kellyville goblins and trent photographs actual evidence of real ET  villas boas encounter  turned  out to be  a Covert ops  LSD experiment 
jobs in 2060 and hopefully newly redundant to not want to wait that long
knowledge designer
food engineer
religion manager
poetry  a  long lull but  always write the most oct to november  march to may  each year  
 despite change in circumstances  and future security  I wrote  some of the usual on  the afterlife, science as failure, visions of  the future   and musing on ruins  ie "time traveller returning in butchered  sequence
 blistered with monkey  arrows"   and "henge fallen lith  lays  as an Arthurian queen
a ring of folded   jackdaws her maidens" and this last week inspired by  jim  al khalli  doing his usual telly thing
"whistling discord to collapse
easy superior scientists  hope their   students will save the universe  and not get an ordinary job
 entropy  in the rain "

never got around to finishing zennor wedding   nor fight between  knight and spaceman
  not  uploading any of the new poems  to poem hunter or  poet sanctuary  as this does not help in job search
longest few months I  had had for years as had was used  to  counting  the days  according to my  learners time table
 despondency  of redundancy from my job as  tutor or as  I put on my CV  "twice national award winning tutor"

  not even a goodbye after 16 years  with the same  organisation!!  move on think of the future not the past

but there is little  to do online as I only  used the internet  to   dealt  with work  issues ie   teaching blog writing  ebook creation  and video creation for youtube  in classroom never much of an internet user despite teaching the subject 

I should delete my  learning centre  videos  from my  youtube page as the  old learning centre room is now used for storage by the day centre next door 
still amazon reviewing but have occasional flamers  a minority who claim spoiler alert on of all things a   fantasy novel by stephen baxter  cursing me  as a spoiler  if i say the  obvious ending and storyline  are  cliched what is a spoiler about that
and we all know how important a  CV is at times like this
not much available in local area for adult education and training  even in voluntary capacity