I wake up dreaming
the best ordinary of an unreal world
the head of a sequence
man into jaguar smoke
the sun is a bright god
in love upon the moon
no sudden gate, no beware silence
gone of the chase
woke up thinking of this all in one go similiar to others of mine meant it at the time no doubt inspired by my reading
library larger books as it was a bank holiday (rainy)
war of the roses well it was a long story really the war of the turncoats where warwick the kingmaker was the most famous of many
chasing the sun touching all the bases about the sun from science to myth to art and literature
karen maitland company of liars set in the time of the black death sort of seventh seal canterbury tales with gothic who dunnit - better than karens maitlands previous novel owl killers but what isn't
high society history of recreational drugs sort of evils of tea coffee, absinthe and LSD with pictures
read karen maitland who wrote wars of roses