i decided to add photos of my old homemade template kits of medieval astromonical instruments i made in 2006
my marine astrolabe my nocturnal star clock , moon phase dial and small polaris sighting star clock
the astrolabe the bigger instrument with the scale in tens i have used to sight the north star and work out my latitude of 53 north
the nocturnal has more working parts two rings three star gauges and a pointer it is much more complicated nocturnals ideally used on a rolling deck to give time to nearest hour which it still does
the polaris sighting clock gives similar results by turning the gauge to the current month but only uses the big dipper ursa major as star sight
see link about nocturnal http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/collection
here is a good video explaing the astrolabe in full 12 minutes but very well presented