Tuesday, 21 June 2011

masonic conspiracy to write trite novels lacking 3D

i left the dating site and also wrote a ten word paean to love poetry

library- read tom ergland's guardians of the covenant a norwegian dan brown complete with five historical prologues (five count em!), the usual conspiracy architecture based on the idea of the great icelandic secret - that viking raiders invaded a still functioning ancient egyptian temple and stole the mummy of moses along with a book of the bible the 6th book of moses that contradicted the rest of the bible and that said mummy was kept from the pursuing vatican agents throughout the ages all the way to viking america the book ended in no less than five epilogues and a bibliography from wikipedia

tom severins viking trilogy final part kings man from corrupt byzantium to the battle of stamford bridge in 1066 - hero viking even met the historians and chroniclers the whole main plot was cribbed from
china reference work on chinas culture art and geography the usual book if well illustrated
history of the bloody passion of war- book read and book quoting all the way from stone age sacrifice to US flag campaigns

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