Monday, 25 July 2011

fall of the christian empire

read romanitas by Sophia Mcdougall atypical type of "rome never fell" novel not as good as robert silverbergs roma eterna and with a lot of these books the timeline and map are the best part
the early history of the empire and its expansion in India onward to china and then finding america where over the centuries the roman empire engages in a hot/ cold war with the Japanese(the Nionians) better story basis than this dull tale of runaway heir to the empire and using latin names for things like television and aeroplanes
actually originally filed under historical novels alongside ben kane and christian jacq

jamrachs menagerie mainly a drifting shipwreck story and early voyage to capture a komodo dragon
A history of pain torture and punishment throughout history interwting for anyone who wants to know that the Romans had four types of whip lots of woodcuts of racking and burning but it was the medieval period so everyone had to be guilty
history of SETI still waiting for the signal possibly because all nearby planets ie tau ceti have no planetary system or like epsilon eridani the lifeforms are as wise as goldfish

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