Friday, 30 September 2011

my publishing sensation

The sensation is of course that i actually bothered to gather together all my poems from 1985 to 2011 and make an ebook for kindle i had decided to create an ebook because it was something to learn how to do and less effort than a published bound and bagged book
if you ever get on amazon check out christopher lantern his midnight name i wanted to price it at 50p but discovered this was below the drop down price list
quite enjoyed the experience of getting my poems in a book without the usual failed to make a anthology, competiti
ion shortlist or magazine
i also published via lulu priced at £1.00
i had created a new poem written in about two minutes and put it in tragedy and sadness rather than my usual category of faith enlightenment and universe

Perhaps the dead. Even the dead
Of death, of dream
Seeking escape in the mercury drowned white
Heavy unseeing
Biting your lover deep

had a few comment more than usual one being below
"man this has suicide written all over it
nice wording scary but good"

and another taking me up on the real colour of mercury -"mercury drowned white...but mercury is silver. So what is this? Very vague poem and alot of things you can read into it. hoping for more. "

should be my publishing selling line what is better than vague!

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