Monday, 31 October 2011

Area 51 was built to hide the alien base called Area 52

area 51 by annie jacobsen intensively researched book that at last revesls thr truth about Area 51 it was just an ordinary airbase where they tested and flew spy aircraft and the only reservr enginnering of technollody was working on soviet MIGs and with new 1960s records now declassified you at last find out about cold war survelliance techniques. millions of dolars spent on a nuclear engine that went nowhere and finishes with the idea that roswell was the crash of a stalin era flying saucer crewed by nazi modified dwarves

the feast of the goat by mario vargas llosa concerns itself again with multi layered stories and the last days of the 1930-1961 dominican republic dictator trujillo, a weak and self important thieving bully surrounded by like minded synophants who like all dictators and their parasites played too long on the world stage

the invention of murder by judith flanders the origins of murder and the popular media and how murders and murderers played on for years after the event in plays novels and popular legends - there may be nothing as interesting about 19th century england as reading about a damned good murder followed by a damned good execution and this well researched book proves it

secret britain one of the many comendiums of englaig ghosts, eccentrics and historical events that make the country what it is

two of my new youtube poems

i have added two new you tube poems to my channel pleid and bone teller created 2011

Monday, 24 October 2011

fallen empires of one hundred years

the german geniusby peter watson describing the great geramn scientsits, philosphers writers and musicians of the 19th to 20th centuries and their expresion of german ideas form the wilhelmine to the post nazi despite rthe bildung nothing really special here all countries have their great scientists, musicians and writers
the 1000 pages plus of the book only go to show how germany has fallen off the world stage even if they did start it!!
skull and bones by john drake mercifully the final book in his long john silver his early days saga going downward from book one here both captain silver and captain flint spend little time at sea and less time in piracy having tom and jerry mis adventures in georgian london from bordello to tyburn meeting real life historical personages along the way like dr johnson and george washington
berlin-baghdad express sean mcmeekin relating the attempts of imperial germany to create a second front in arabia, persia and afghanistan to little effect
the war at the end of the world by mario vargas llosa a novel with huge numbers of charactors concerns itself with the millenarianist war of canudos and the army using more and more force to crush a small village of believers and their charismatic leader anthony

Monday, 17 October 2011

beasts and romans

read steven saylors new novel Empire. i had previously read saylors first volume in this saga Roma the story of one roman family from the foundation to the end of the republic
Empire tells the story from the last days of augustus to the start of the antonine period with altogether less skill perhaps due to the over familiarity of the period in fiction what else can you say new about caligula or nero?
likewise the family never leaves the inner circle of the imperial court regardless of who the emperor is, little to distinguish the plot or story- domitian is another nero, nero is another nero. vitellius is another nero. hadrian is another nero. An occasional eunuch or unfaithful vestal virgin is brought in for decadence
the uniciorn road by martin davies began well with this tale of a medieval expedition sent to search for fabulous and mythical beasts but they soon arrived at their destination and then got bogged down at the mongol border and you soon realised they would never find the beasts however it was a good tale told well with crafted plot moment and multi faceted story appeals to anyone interested in mythical beasts, cathar treasure hunts and rough tough knights fighting new enemies in far asia

secret religions a brief guide to hermetic, pagan and new age religions a study of wicca, new age and occult groups it demontrated that most are founded by splitters , followers become new messiahs, membership of all the cults is low and what they believe is what they believe

brevertons phasmogoria a pleasure to read a compendium of monsters myths and legends, drawing heavily on pliny the elder and medieval texts it is excellent in scope and detail to be dipped into and enjoyed as i expect it will be

Monday, 10 October 2011

boldly going behind the iron curtain in outer space

read another typhon pact star trek novel zero sum game a starfleet spy thriller that read like the looking glass war or firefox
set in the empire of the number nine star trek villains the masked and mysterious cyrogenic lifeform "the breen" the spy story explained the breen away as totally un-alien isolationists a paranoid union of republics where everyone is masked and equal and so 1950's eastern european
the two fisted story of starfleet agents hacking into the breen security network composed as it was of CCTV, nodes. servers and routers completely out of content with the 24th century nothing is bold in this and imagination fails to reach the final frontier

magic and mystery in tibet, i had wanted to read alexandra david neel since undergraduate days and there is a new english translation out rather dated neel tells of third hand evidence of magic lamas and imagines more than she sees

the armour of alchiiles glynn illiffe the third in the odysseus cycle as with many trojan war novels just a retelling of the basic homer in modern english , the charactors are as flat as bronze warriors and the story is just related direct from the sources hope the odysseus cycle gets better when illiffe reaches the voyage home stage as this was just ten years camped outside a city wall

we the drowned by carsten jensen a rarity among modern novels you read all 800 pages eith pelasure and when you get the the end you want to read it all again from the beginning this is true storytelling a real epic of nautical curiousities that carries you along the story of a danish seafaring community and its peole from 1848-1945 this will appeal to the lovers of windjammer prose and adventure magic five stars for jensen

Thursday, 6 October 2011

so to get published i have to buy my own books

received an email re my poetry ebook from lulu publishing quality assurance saying they cannoy offer my poetry ebook for sale as it does not fulfil the publising requirements and demonstrates improper use of capitalisation and punctuation
so there is a full stop missing on page 14 and my poems titles are not in the correct format for correct use of capitalized titles and sub titles
never really used capital letters at the beginning of poems or followed the rules for commas
it is a wonder anything gets published now
how did ee cummings get published then?

i aslo put the same 12 page book on create space indie publishing but was informed it needed to be 24 pages or more and i will need to order a proof copy minimum is 100 copy print run
why i know what is in the book?
i will also need to put in an overseas IRS return on the W7 correct form as the Uk is a tax with holding nation

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

steam punk loses its fire

written in stone brian switek another dinosaur book that avoids the usual mezozoic talent and discusses the archaeocestors of birds, whales, horses, elephant and hominids well researched and readable
fifty plants that changed the world a gardeners theme book illustated and coffee table of the stories behind chilli beans to coconuts rose to rubber cotton to coriander
breakheart pass fast moving disposal of villains on a wild west train action the way read this and understand why alistair maclean still in print

dark sun a pax britania victorian future history book by jonathan green the usual steampunk adventure this tine set on the moon reminded me in many ways of the 1969 movie Moon zero two without the steampunk clunkering read like an average amazing stories magazine story of the 1930s characters simply action figures the usual steampunk pudding of victorian fantasy gothic and true life victorian fiction heroes doing their usual thing ie cavorite powered apollo XIII , clarke bradbury and asimov as pioneers of space flight
with nazis, time travel and and giant robots thrown in passes the time but one of many