Monday, 17 October 2011

beasts and romans

read steven saylors new novel Empire. i had previously read saylors first volume in this saga Roma the story of one roman family from the foundation to the end of the republic
Empire tells the story from the last days of augustus to the start of the antonine period with altogether less skill perhaps due to the over familiarity of the period in fiction what else can you say new about caligula or nero?
likewise the family never leaves the inner circle of the imperial court regardless of who the emperor is, little to distinguish the plot or story- domitian is another nero, nero is another nero. vitellius is another nero. hadrian is another nero. An occasional eunuch or unfaithful vestal virgin is brought in for decadence
the uniciorn road by martin davies began well with this tale of a medieval expedition sent to search for fabulous and mythical beasts but they soon arrived at their destination and then got bogged down at the mongol border and you soon realised they would never find the beasts however it was a good tale told well with crafted plot moment and multi faceted story appeals to anyone interested in mythical beasts, cathar treasure hunts and rough tough knights fighting new enemies in far asia

secret religions a brief guide to hermetic, pagan and new age religions a study of wicca, new age and occult groups it demontrated that most are founded by splitters , followers become new messiahs, membership of all the cults is low and what they believe is what they believe

brevertons phasmogoria a pleasure to read a compendium of monsters myths and legends, drawing heavily on pliny the elder and medieval texts it is excellent in scope and detail to be dipped into and enjoyed as i expect it will be

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