Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Martian Watercolours Canals and Ancient Dead Seascapes


Some more scans  from  one of my  old musty books

 A  marvels of  science and nature  encyclopaedia  which I bought from jumble  or  church  Christmas  fayre    where amongst jetsam from  decades  before     the Philip Harben TV  cookbooks  and  forgotten celebrities such as   the "Wit of Arthur Godfrey"  you could  pick up a "Look and Learn Annual" from 1966  or  huge but  dated  and   discarded  black and white  photo  illustrated  encyclopaedias of  1930s to 1950s popular science  for 5p 



These musty  old books  are of course the same   that   my post mortem a  house clearance   team   will  put  them all in the  dumpster

targeting a Meccano  building   secondary modern generation   the  marvels of  science  and nature encyclopaedias  were   hard back  red tooled  paper simulated leather Britannica types   and full of monochrome  or  red  green colour  autogravures   with  articles on  "the  fastest  train journey      from Sydney to Albury",    "Soviet floating  base   at  the   North Pole" or an ethnographic picture  spread   "hair dressing customs of the world"  and  for me the   best  to  last a  section  called  "Out into Space " 

the  books were  created by a team of  FRS   contributors so authors and artists  were  rarely named as individuals


The   out into space articles I always found the most interesting   with their    descriptions  of the new  telescope on Mount Wilson  or  artist impressions of  pointer  nosed  moon ships docking at wheel space stations  of the future,  a moon landing  by at least 1980  and   a flight over the canals on Mars  and comment  "they may be an optical illusion, what is   a  flowing  stream may  look like it is a  straight line from the air  , there is  no evidence of life on mars  beyond  vegetation or  natural waterways  that are    of seasonal  origin "


It was  the artists impressions midway between the  Mars of Burroughs  and  Bradbury   that even today  are the most  dreamy  watercolours

  imagining of what was  basically a desert,  ancient, dry  and   what was to be  the coming  space age   typical   view of  lifeless  looking mars    not a Mars  of  Great  Ruins or Martian  Super  wisdom    in contrast  to  pre Silurian  Tropic  Jungle Venus  and our own    Atomic  powered Earth

I scanned in  two Martian canals  and. dry dead sea bottom  

  both have a  crystal egg   faded  feel to them    





I was   not  put on any  back to work scheme  as  it  may not be of any use to me - (I used to teach  courses  to get people back to work )   since everything  job search is  mandatory  online   and that I must pursue  25  opportunities  a week  booked to  use  job  service  computers   but every time I use them asked by staff  am  I able to use  computers by  myself -" yes, until  I was  made redundant  I used to teach  IT" always  my surprising answer 


I have not written any poetry  for  over a month  and  feel  not  really able to write  anymore!!

 I  lack interest  and  inspiration  having explored all the  major themes   from  horror  to ghosts  to   pirates  and pagans  and now feel dissatisfied with my talent


poetry  mainly  a  pastime  and written for my own amusement    and that  I am    the  neither fashionable or literary establishment   author  the  two   kindle  direct  e book collections   Christopher lantern his midnight name  2011   and  the ragletters 2013

Friday, 25 October 2013

A volvelle making a moon dail from the 16th century

I located this make your own Volvelle kit in an 1950s Practical Astronomy book of mine and have enlarged the scans I can only upload jpgs to blog but this can very easily converted to PDF format by any freeware PDF printer writer like Nitro Reader

 A Volvelle was a popular scientific instrument of the 16th century used to calculate the age and phase of the moon for religious festivals the base plate disc 1 is marked with the names of the months and zodiacal signs through which both the sun and moon travel

 On top of this disk is a second disk revolving around the same centre and the index of this is set against the month date of the base plate. The sec ond disk is shown black with a cut out area left white and around the second disk are marked the numbers 1 to 29

 The third disk is placed on top of the second disk matched to centre and this has an index to set to the constellations in which the moon is observed the second disk shows the day phase and turning the two indexes to month and day inside the cut outs of disk 2 the heart shaped figure will show the approximate shape of the moon on disk 3 on that date

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Pro Celsus a response to Petrine Christianity by an early convert

Go to Hades 

dust to pomegranate dust

Eccleis  Bishop of  Christ

one  book and  no desire for ink  

unmarried  your  familias wife

pigs  birthed  and buried


teacher   where once you were a  vine dresser

penitent   in mock preaching before   penatates  Ancestors


Paganity  to Christinomity

whispers   of the cruellest dove


Roman bangs Roman  noses

divided mathematitess   Hypatia

added  to mother of God blue


one feared  in Serapis temples

cold faith

 chisels at   long gone  Julius  Hugustus  Apotheosis  Epiphanes Sunray Ra

raised up  

cast down 

thrown down


Jesus died    as  Dream Zeus  ruled  from on high

Saturnic  from  dream clouds

knows your labours


remembers  flower youth

Greek stealer

seed  upon the corn

hair corn

hare  course


A  prayer

My thousand named 

stretch your wings over me

let me see the light


Narcissus loved

true love

a beautiful girl   more beautiful than himself

Olympias   too was wed in the  mysteries

a prayer

two voices  speaking together

one God

 woman of stone


Old  men Eccleis

angels  wept in their  virgins

Felicity   Martyr   died for his masculinity

Perpertua  Martyr  died  for his masculinity


He  did not die

reading the lesson daily to his dear  brothers

Marsyas, Dryads,  Panics


"Hercules  laboureth in vaineth

thou sparroweth falleth

danceth with the lordeth"


and they danceth again

Pro  celus mark littler  June 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

Neolithic astronomy and Minoan Crete





In the previous post  I   mentioned  that Neolithic  religion despite  the   prevalence of  Henges  and  marking   post rows   that  Astronomy  played little  part in Neolithic  perceptions      the  Henges were mortuary  standing people,  there was no Henge calendar or solstice prophecy  and despite  June crowds  celebrating mid summer pagan  roots in  stony Wiltshire   winter solstice not the summer  solstice was  the  Neolithic  to bronze age main festival

If  even noticed the night sky with its patterns  and unchanging  was seen as  some sort of  "Dananash"  community  the sky was daylit with the   cyclic struggle  of  Bele/Dunors/Tir   sun in darkness


This  can also be explored  in    the  astronomy  of Minoan Crete   that lost Civilization    linear  A  un translated Atlantean    survival  of  the  Martian Chronicles 


Last year i emailed  Bethany Hughes   a oh so British establishment   Hellenic woman's  history   author  and presenter   of  the now outdated "Atlantis  the evidence"  and now rarely seen being at the  grey end of TV yoof history  asking for her TV historian opinion of my  theory that the   famous  bull leaping  Toreador fresco in Knossos  is  an Astronomical image   depicting not bull leaping  but embracing the bull     the  sun  as leaper passing between two earth goddesses  across the  dappled bull hide of the night  sky 

 this bull leaoing   design is also   seen on the Vaphio vase   but taken as  showing a sporting event only



 I never had any reply  from Bethany  on this simple question  of   "A new theory  of the Pelagsi archetype  Kujata  bull   solar mythology     of the  Sun god Rajk  embracing   the  Earth goddess  Reja   after his  journey across the night sky   and its influence on   the iconography of   Late  Minoan  period  III."

I have since discovered  like all the posts  on  Betthany  facebook account   this email   was  a job role of  her PR team   who  must have thought I was  Erich von Daniken!!


Bethany Hughes  one of many of  the Telly Panthers   you find on British  TV  originally  news reading   now  presenting  anything from  antiques to royal weddings  (as guests)  and    part of  the national heritage  who are briefly fated dancing with the stars   between the  ages of 39 and 46  then  so long in the  tooth and the gauze  shot    and no longer   middle England man desirable  are replaced slowly but  all about  Eve obliviously by a  younger  model. 



The Minoans  of Crete or Kekassoi as they are now  more accurately  termed    retained   much of their original Neolithic  beliefs   with the  outsider liminal    cave of the  Kal mother   and the  green yellow  mother  of   agricultural votive offerings

A  shorthand in our modern  world  for Atlanteans   the   Kerkassoi      society  based on  agricultural  retaining its  great mothers but also   seaborne  trade  and  production   maintaining  a   belief system of three  levels of    a universal  she male  absolute overlapping  existence  Sky, Earth,  Sea  in which    the  symbols of the  faith  were meaningless   and ordinary to outsiders  not  believers  hence the  pretty flower paintings  of knossos   such as  the   seasonal    solar  symbols  butterfly,  crocus, snake, bull   and  colours  dark blue, bright blue, blue black,  red black, yellow


If  aspects of  the  kerkassoi  are  of Neolithic   origins  then   the sun  image  should be that     of  a  horse headed,  snake haired,  butterfly winged,  lion footed  goddess  standing on a bull holding aloft  a  goat  bearing  the sun disc ----  it's turtles all the way down with that type of  iconography

 but given their  sailing and navigating  expertise I believe the Kerkassoi had a more realistic sun in motion   against  unchanging sky   using bearings winds  and  stars  over   landmarks  like   Guy  Murchie 's  recollection  of   the  star compass used in Arabia  which they expressed in  seeming  unconnected religious  symbols 


As  sailors   the   Kerkassoi   seemed to lack  recognisable  sea deities  and as  sailors   bird flight  navigation and   wind  directions would presume to be high  in their culture  and religion    but it should be remembered  the  palace  complexes  were often  burnt down abandoned  and what we see are   flowers  and  fish  Late Minoan period III  and Mykenai era  frescos  only   with what remains in archaeology of  snake goddess ( perhaps  their original cow  heads  changed for  later   poppet  female heads) 

When as   in their  true  kerkassoi  culture    religion was    Nevity of    pathways   and  ever-present  divinity  from  sun in darkness rites celebrated under the   ritual passage of the  unchanging night  sky   on an island looking out to sea..


 To the Kerkassoi the changing  life bearing  sea  assumed the role  of  a   Kalanash,   a  transforming Therian   outsider world where the  souls of the dead  transformed  into   the   Octopi,  Dolphins  and dog headed  sea  creatures  seen on the  vases and paintings  and    an understanding of   symbolic  Astronomy aided them in crossing  this  fearful   Kalanash  to  reach trade harbours and return

Friday, 4 October 2013

Neolithic Religion A new look at an old belief system as told by the Neolithic people themselves







Discovered  my 2005  pencil  notes on stone age religion that  had come to me in a  dream of  finding myself     in a  henge barrow religious ceremony  circa  end of new stone age  copper age  

for someone uncomfortable with crowds   I  tried to reconstruct what  I remember from a  barrow talk with woolly  Neolithic people

 strange I could give time or time slip   to  such things in 2005

 Everyone talking at once and  indicated a changing pantheon of deities    afterlife, creations  and belief systems around a  central  old stone age core

  Neolithic   divinity names  were  simple nouns   Sun,  Vegetation, water, underworld  etc  but I here i use  archetype names  ie Neksa 


 Kal was  their  ancient and once universal  ancestral   goddess  from the  paleolithic     the world  feminine holding up the    natural  world   supreme creator   totally obeyed    totally without mercy  yet all mercy all love

A survival from the old stone  age hunting   female  magic  and realisation

 Kalanash is the name  of  her wild and untouched  nature  that was once the  whole earth  passionate  untamed    a underworld  and  fertility  goddess,   all  the  dead who dwell  in her earth are alive    her rituals are dreams and spirits 


Dana the   goddess  of  human  nature, keeper of the  crop,   the calendar  and  seasons,   the pathways  and  boundaries

   Dananash is the  name of her cultivated and settled  land   and Dana can be seen to be   the  generic term for a local goddess   as the real name of  Dana is known only to the individual worshipper   as to say the name of  Dana would have  her power stolen by Kal

 Dana receives  regular ritual  and human lives as  boundary sacrifices


Bele  the  sun in travelling      also Bele  the moon and Bele  the  earth  and what can be  taken from the earth  


Neksa  the waters    rivers  and  springs    lifeforce wedded  to Bele  sun and moon  


Dunos  the   sun in shining       sky and  earth  in shining  wedded  to  Dana. Creator of Tir


Tir   the new son     the  greening of copper and the greening of the land   sun god who shines on his  believers   as a lover    wedded  to Neksa the waters  where he drowns  daily   in her love  and is then reborn daily  to Dana on land.     Creator of Finta  from this union with  Neksa  and Dana


Finta   the    boundaries    between  earth  and   ocean     bog,  mere  and marsh   Finta  is the  other  and  the  underworld     and grants life everlasting  to those born  to  Bele




Changes in  theology  late Neolithic  


Kal  has no secret name like   Dana       and is depicted as the wanderer   driven from her  land  hidden from people      who turns  the dead into animals  and   knows all secrets   A lover of Bele  she makes the earth fruitful   and wild. Kal  raises the storm   and  the  clouds    to beguile Bele     and  break down the boundaries  and pathways.   A vengeful  nature blinding Bele  in the arms of  Neksa with her  wild  thorns


Bele  is the rising  sun a blind man guided  by  Dunos   who guides  Bele  on his pathways   marked out  by the trails and causeways  and which  make up  the cultivated   land  Dananash   Bele is further guided by the running streams  and springs  of Neksa   and the irrigation channels her believers make  to   bring water  to the dead  to bring them  to Finta  who  takes them to the other life  as   bird like  people not animals


Kal the  Bone goddess  the idea of wild places ( Kalanash) and  undomesticated animals turn the  once  absolute feminine  Kal  into a  nightmare  demon    and outside goddess always present always at birth and death


The   union of sky and earth in  Dana  Dunos  and the creation of the new child Tir  at winter solstice  who  becomes  the greening of copper  and foliage   a  metal working  nature god  who takes Neksa from the arms of   Bele   and confines her waters  and flowing rivers   so that Sun  and Ocean die  in the power  of   settled humanity  and are taken to Finta   celebrated by  separating  lovers,  widening ditches and pathways 


Tir is   a god   greater than and   neither sky or earth    who   enters all believers  in  times of   ritual  using metal and  growing  crops   turning them into   "shining people" who will live forever  where as   Kal     now  referred to as Cal   is goddess  of outsiders  and the  wild.  Her  forests   and   rivers are  seen as  "standing  people"   and a transformation of  Kal /Cal  into a    green goddess of docility   accompanied   by  the  wandering birds  of  the  ancestors   Cala


  Late neolithic  stone age to  bronze age  changes in society  mirror changes  in the pantheon

Tir as  ultimate god  of  metal working,  nature   and land    also  creates  other deities to serve  him as  the  shining people are so weakened by  their devotions  to Tir   such as

Belin  the sun in fire  and sun in moon.

 Ke    the  human  woman  who learnt from Dana   who she served  from  childhood to old age  and supplants Dana  as the   new  goddess of Agriculture. 

 Gwy the  spear  a man who    becomes  a god of war and wages a successful war against  Tir  by stealing his metal  working powers.

 Suldoc    the creator  of a post Tir earth   the long man surveyor    kept imprisoned underground  after his  creation of a new  earth and  who speaks across  the  other boundaries ,

 Danu  the  former great goddess  now only a  boundary marking  goddess  receiving  human sacrifice  to mark the calendar.  

 Cala  the  goddess  of  outside secrets and dreams   whisperer and wanderer.

  Finte the   goddess  of rebirth  and the  underworld.  


 late Neolithic   copper age  religion   increasing patriachical   with recited   community anthems  telling  of hero quest  warriors  who change sex  and  live other peoples  lives ( Agarrtha, Arro  and Sone)    celebration of a god/goddess , lover  and leader   who speaks  to believers   directly in ritual  and  recitation  of  community anthems

strangely enough little emphasis on the  henge   and  the   solstice  seasons





some feedback on Zennor wedding  see previous  post  including one  reviewer  who had  contemplated  on the  meaning of the  title  Zennor wedding --  honestly its just a  place name!   Zennor in Cornwall

Don't contemplate  the meaning  it is  like spending a  day  meditating on the meaning of  place names   like  Trenton  New Jersey  or Walgett  New South  Wales




"Seems every civilization has some tale of forlorn love, widowed wanderers that haunt young lovers...I really liked the line about the goddess of the sea...but maybe it is female, jealous of love and hungry for sailors to make women on land feel her loneliness! or not...great write!"



"it's always interesting to hear about folklore from different places, especially that from the ocean which seems to have a unique appeal and set of legends attached to it. I like how you play upon the siren element, a bit like the mermaid luring sailors to their deaths before vanishing into the briny abyss."


"Sounds like maybe he ran off to the sea, or was monstrous kin to Grendel, and persisted through Greek legends - very clever and the sea, the mermaids and the men will always be romantically wondrous. Much enjoyed and thanks! (contemplating the title still)"


"loved it, not much more to say than that"


 Not  written any poetry  since early September     "the Ragletters"  my  kindle e book  available on Amazon world wide  now in third edition  




unsuccessful  in my application  for volunteer  in help with Dreamweaver    website design   and me a  former teacher of Dreamweaver    !!!

expressed "disappointment" in interview  delivery  re email in response      to make them feel important  and me as  loser but  truthfully my disappointment  with   their interview  delivery- was that I was interviewed by people with  no skills  or experience in  website design

 an IT support manager  who  commented" I was using   IT jargon and  terminology the  "IT support manager" had never heard  of" and who  to their frustration  totally  failed to  gain the higher  ground in  IT  points scoring with me  and the other who  spend all the  time asking me "what I had been doing in the past year"

as interviewers  go   they were a  comedy sketch



"I would love to meet and have a chat about what we can do. I do not have any paid tutoring at the moment, relying instead on volunteers. However, I would hope this may change in the future."

yet again   a Advert for  part time IT tutor  in my specialist area   like other organisations  in this area  they are charities  wanting to be community learning  centres but lacking the expertise  or funding  that they expect the services  of   skilled qualified    staff but dependent  on declining   government funding  have nothing  to pay  them with

 it  is nothing new



 Recently  an organisation was keen to have  me on their team as  adult learning  co coordinator   5 days a week  but  as volunteer staff only   and  can you recall how many  volunteer  IT tutor and  volunteer  Website  developer   positions   have I  had interviews for   and then discovered  they do   not   even pay travel expenses even if it is to the next  town or city   but  expected a minimum  of 16 hours a week from me

and what is the  UK   governments solution  announced  this week   re long term unemployed ie the ones I use to teach  that if they do not want to   pick up litter or cook for the elderly    everyone  on JSA job seekers allowance  £55 a  week    will  work at least  30 hours a  week unpaid for   local  charities   in what ever role  makes them useful!

 what a way for  charities to cut those  nuisance   salary costs!!!



 funny thing is  cleaners and   caring for the elderly  are one of few areas  still advertising jobs     obviously  government   with its new buzzline  "a  country and a party for hardworking people"   unrealistically see unemployed as a  welfare  millionaire sub culture   to be solved   to be  forced  like  criminals  into  free community service instead of  actually  creating jobs  and  funding training