Wednesday 30 October 2013

Martian Watercolours Canals and Ancient Dead Seascapes


Some more scans  from  one of my  old musty books

 A  marvels of  science and nature  encyclopaedia  which I bought from jumble  or  church  Christmas  fayre    where amongst jetsam from  decades  before     the Philip Harben TV  cookbooks  and  forgotten celebrities such as   the "Wit of Arthur Godfrey"  you could  pick up a "Look and Learn Annual" from 1966  or  huge but  dated  and   discarded  black and white  photo  illustrated  encyclopaedias of  1930s to 1950s popular science  for 5p 



These musty  old books  are of course the same   that   my post mortem a  house clearance   team   will  put  them all in the  dumpster

targeting a Meccano  building   secondary modern generation   the  marvels of  science  and nature encyclopaedias  were   hard back  red tooled  paper simulated leather Britannica types   and full of monochrome  or  red  green colour  autogravures   with  articles on  "the  fastest  train journey      from Sydney to Albury",    "Soviet floating  base   at  the   North Pole" or an ethnographic picture  spread   "hair dressing customs of the world"  and  for me the   best  to  last a  section  called  "Out into Space " 

the  books were  created by a team of  FRS   contributors so authors and artists  were  rarely named as individuals


The   out into space articles I always found the most interesting   with their    descriptions  of the new  telescope on Mount Wilson  or  artist impressions of  pointer  nosed  moon ships docking at wheel space stations  of the future,  a moon landing  by at least 1980  and   a flight over the canals on Mars  and comment  "they may be an optical illusion, what is   a  flowing  stream may  look like it is a  straight line from the air  , there is  no evidence of life on mars  beyond  vegetation or  natural waterways  that are    of seasonal  origin "


It was  the artists impressions midway between the  Mars of Burroughs  and  Bradbury   that even today  are the most  dreamy  watercolours

  imagining of what was  basically a desert,  ancient, dry  and   what was to be  the coming  space age   typical   view of  lifeless  looking mars    not a Mars  of  Great  Ruins or Martian  Super  wisdom    in contrast  to  pre Silurian  Tropic  Jungle Venus  and our own    Atomic  powered Earth

I scanned in  two Martian canals  and. dry dead sea bottom  

  both have a  crystal egg   faded  feel to them    





I was   not  put on any  back to work scheme  as  it  may not be of any use to me - (I used to teach  courses  to get people back to work )   since everything  job search is  mandatory  online   and that I must pursue  25  opportunities  a week  booked to  use  job  service  computers   but every time I use them asked by staff  am  I able to use  computers by  myself -" yes, until  I was  made redundant  I used to teach  IT" always  my surprising answer 


I have not written any poetry  for  over a month  and  feel  not  really able to write  anymore!!

 I  lack interest  and  inspiration  having explored all the  major themes   from  horror  to ghosts  to   pirates  and pagans  and now feel dissatisfied with my talent


poetry  mainly  a  pastime  and written for my own amusement    and that  I am    the  neither fashionable or literary establishment   author  the  two   kindle  direct  e book collections   Christopher lantern his midnight name  2011   and  the ragletters 2013

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