Sunday 30 June 2013

I am now Banned Poet I used the "incorrect" word Planetesium to describe an Orrey !!

 I noticed that my  bookshop poem  Bookshop in Writewood  has    responses concerning my  description of an Orrey   but  unfortunately more  wiseacre  critics   than  readers

 "  It made  wonder what you  was writing about, is it a real bookshop, where is it  " and a more  incessant  comment  "You called an Orrey a "Planetesium,   You are making up incorrect  Astronomy terms!  the correct word is  Planetarium ??!!"


    -Since when has an Orrey been a Planetarium.  I thought it was a teaching aid  clockwork  toy  named after  the populariser  The Earl of Orrey .

The Orrey  could just have easily been  popularised by the  Grand Graf  of  Westernberger  Blonken  Sonderdonden Clattersberg


  Planetesium is  poetic symbolic   of scale  planetessimal  not  pedantic  phrasology.



Proving that no one actually reads my poems   one of my widely published and read  poems   on  at least two forums  and on this blog  is  Dauntless Dick Dark Dee  Dee  the  romantic  poem about the highwayman  romance   (which is one of my  June posts here on writingbitofpoetry )

 Dauntless Dick  Dark Dee Dee has been banned on one poetry  site and  my  poem  deactivated for that sole reason

 that it is a poem about Dick !!Turpin !

yes D---K  Turpin  Highwayman  and the D---K word came up on  the publishing sites  filter software

 doubtful   the publisher  ever even read the poem  as  it has no illicit content.

this is their email to me   as it appears read  via  my filter software


"Your poem  contains the following types of content, or has violated the rules of posting  and it is removed from the site.

The reason of removal was;


1) P******gr*phy and S*****ually Expl*cit Cont*nt

2) s*****ual Sol*****ion/Cybers******

Our administration reserve the right to remove any material deemed to be excessively offensive, hostile, or destructive"


I just altered D---K to Dark   and reposted  


Four job applications  going nowhere   even in adult education for job roles I  once performed   to the exact criteria needed  on the form  but nothing  in response  

one interview   where the  interview panel  waited three  days  in tell me I was unsuccessful  but  had some  experience as  trainer  but not in the job role of development worker


Two weeks  after closing date  have passed  for the other jobs  and within  two  weeks after the closing date the  interviews were held  -so  hard  luck on my  part   that is the hard thing  about redundancy  you  work solidly  for years  and  years   and then  you are made redundant   to   find that  jobs even with all  years experience in your favour  never  materialise 


 looks  like a former  teacher of employability  skills  and ICT will end up long term unemployed

perhaps  I should  teach creative writing  and   fortune telling  instead



The  UK chancellor has a brilliant  idea supported by the loud press  to name every benefit claimant  on  an online  list  so  people can  see it their neighbours are claiming and for  how long !!

suppose I will be registered  under R  for  reason  for leaving employment  =Redundancy 

likewise will there  be a list of every bribe  and back hander  politicians receive  ?


oddly enough all these interview setbacks  do not trouble me  as I know  I will get back into the Education racket  but every interview setback creates  self doubt   that  only ever affects  my poetry writing  for about a day afterwards


Pity it was a more  fruitful  time for poetry writing  than job  applications  


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