Friday 18 May 2012

hurrah I sing the jubilee

wrote another jubilee poem
alas too late for the deadline to be judged by pam ayres as usual my  ironic obscure stuff   and  referring to Queen libet as "age ridden monument "
noted I use a limited vocabulary of words and themes  my stock phrases are dark , day , outside, ending,  emptiness decay, christ, loss  and that I can interchange lines from poem to poem
only a poetry hobbyist   would write and ask simon armitage about what it is like being "a poet superstar destined to be celebrated for lines immortal"  but of course would just get ignored again  stiil waiting for a reply from my 19th April enquiry  and i think his yorkshire morkshire  stuff is *** anyway

lot of pending poems as seen above  and now run out of paper in the notebook i started in 1987   will have to go back and rub out all my early work -who needs it

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