Wednesday 2 May 2012

hawaiian star compass

always wanted to create an polynesian star compass   based on the northern hemisphere   skies  and make it out of rocks  which i would put in a  circle in my backyard  see design below   easy to spot and follow the movement of the  constellations from solstice to solstice  and indicate the  passage as stones   ie winter cassiopeia north west
summer cassiopeia north east (however the hard bit is actually seeing the stars in an urban security light  illuminated suburb know the constellations are there- just cannot see them )

Mau Piailug's Star Compass pattern of stones  from wikipedia 

my poetry  now scattered around on various  forums and poetry sites  
my Arthurian poem " Arthur the king" scoring some hits    as this is popular  theme 
still no reply from simon armitage re kalevala but do not expect one as such things now dealt with   by the publishers PR team

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