Monday 30 April 2012

Mara Jade hold my hand

the art book   a thames and hudson illustrated guide  to  thousands of years of art from cave art to indian  installation art of 2010  as it says on the back  cover easily navigatable and user friendly  all types of art there in this print website  format from  ancient sumerian to the mannerists and onto  every post war artist since 1945  totally without comment or pretension

lore of the playground by steven roud  a 100 years of childrens games from tag to skipping    british bulldog to marbles and tops i spent my childhood indoors reading books and memorizing king lists and dates in history  so the idea of clapping games  conkers and  skipping rhymes new and unknown to me

warlords the struggle for power in post roman britain  stuart layock   some thing  familiar to any reader of a Arthurian novel     good on detail and heavy on sources form gildas  not only imcluding the favourites Arthur, vortigern and Hengest but also Gerontius  and Penda

star wars omnibus a series of three graphic novels   stars wars shadows of empire, mara jade  by the emperors hand  and shadows of empire evolution      i pickled this up and realised that i had read these in the 1990s but still  remembered the story    set betwen yavin and endor    it told  of peripheral events usually amongst  galactic scum and  cantina lowlife  for example the adventures of  boba fett transporting  a big block of han  solo to jabba ,the conspiracies of prince xixor and his black sun criminal gang   mara jade   (later of course mrs skywalker) and her early life as high kicking high kill count imperial  agent  and the last story shadows of the empire evolution    telling the story of Guri the barbie blonde replica human assasin droid from the black sun gang sought by criminal gangs, cantina low lifes and galactic scum all of which  she of course crushes underfoot   wonderfully  cliched  and  drawn colourfully if not totally to scale

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