Thursday 5 April 2012

the wasteland in ten lines

comment on my latest poem "A dream-like disconnectedness to this, a surreal starkness which 'misses the nail right on the head'. Your poem is like 'The Wasteland' in ten lines. Enjoyable, intriguing, tantalising"
ah shucks i am blushing now!!
this is it anyway
wrote it in about 15 minutes a month ago
Watch the road
Nature goes inevitable
Blank city connected space
Cage overdying

A ship breaks the trees
No metaphor of shipwreck
Sea hating and depressing

Turning at a noise
A few great engines
pathetic , regular and horizontal

whether it is the weather or a better choice of reading matter from the library but march april one of my most productive writing months 10 poems and three i wrote and then could not read my writing the next day as for example last evening i scribled it down in haste and looking aback today realised i did just that -scribble it
this is all i can make out
four lines
two more lines
The last in black
What am I living by this telling
thrre more lines
I cannot actually read the rest of my own writing
there it is another lost to the world -third this month !

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