Monday 16 April 2012

travel and not leaving the journey

where China meets India by thannt Myint U the idea that buma is emerging as the crosroads of asia liberal and culturaly unique ok for nsyone interested in the kingdoms of assam or Ava and the chinese borders but like so many others taking of short range globalism

tales from the fast trains by Tom Chesshyre is that an pretensious affectation of a surname i live in the county and spell it Cheshire
chesshyre or chessy to his friends and his dull (make believe) girlfriend E take little journeys by train to call at explore like sarcastic tourists the euro destinations of Dijon, Frankfurt, Lausanne, Rotterdam, Marseilles,Antwerp, Lille, Luxembourg and Paris
little interesting here a jumped up guide book and a boring series of travel article that has little content to interest thr train buff or the traveller

walk the lines by mark mason the london underground overground mason walks the 269 stations of the london underground but falls back on cripped facts and barely observed london life take it up you are a tourist

silk road by colin falconer
yet another knight travels to kubilai khan novel covers the same groud as thomas b costains novel the black rose of 1945 and virtually every other pseudo marco pol adventures in cathay book and is as much as travel book as a historicall novl
starts well with the confession of a dying monk which plays out in flashback but so much sameness in this mongol horde and very slow going with very short chapters lot of narrative and stilted dialogue ffrm historical source material but kept reading to the end and realised that the unlikable monk really deserved to confess to a horrific sin he had commited long ago in the east

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