Monday 16 April 2012

"I hate all Boets, Bainters " and Pookbinders

been looking at sending my poetry to magazines firstly these are expensive in subscriprtion or submision £12 per entry SAE required and in the same format as vanity press anthologies ie you buy from their press and secondly We do not read simultaneous submissions! We do not publish texts that have been published elsewhere (this also includes Internet magazines, homepages, and blogs)! We do not read (review) websites and do not consider work published there.they want poetry never published anywhere how passe and elitist so that includes internet sites blogs homepages what is it with wood based publishing these days and their minority opinion and non exclusive rights
can i not express and publish my poetry as i like?
after all my youtube channel gets the hits and i am not working on a volume of slim poetry and hoping to lecture for creative writing purposes
likewise the bridport prize largest creative writing competition in the english language rules state Entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and must never have been published, self-published, published on any website or public online forum, broadcast nor winning or placed in any other competition
why am i worrying on a inpirational roll at the moment so can give them one of my new ones but do find that the wood based bookbinder is behind the times after all my kindle book reaches an audience as does my youtube channel are they not suitable mediums for poetry
quote in title by the way taken from king george the first of england on being asked opinion of arts in the UK

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