Tuesday 10 April 2012

Gadgets lost for memory

read story of astromony by peter aughen from ancient babylon to the space age good information on all the discoveries nad personalities of astromony including jeremeiash horrocks as aughen wrote a previous biography of him chapets devoted to the two greats of moden science newton, einstein and hawking
some skating over the 19th century ie nothing much after 1846 and asides on longitude and large telescopes

collecting gadgets and games from 1950s to the 1990s daniel blythe
is there room for yet another TV cream type remember when about toys but including sandwich makers nad betamax video to keep gadhets in the title
a webpage in print with prices and brief retrofax with that true authors standby the link to websites of interest

fear a cultural history by joanna burke the study of fear from fear of death to fear of terror however msot faer is conduced in the laboratory or the text book and the section on nightmares is dull more dreams by freud than dreams by dreamers

Most Amazing Haunted & Mysterious Places (Readers Digest) an update of the 1970s version mainly a revised gazeeteer of a few post 1980 hauntings to add to the update and the addition of UFO sightings in palce of fairy rings and ruins useful bedside read but little new from the 1970s larger version which i also have and found a better book

some poetic inspiration over the holiday find i can write it down as i create

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